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To half a way between Vilafranca del Penedés and Barcelona, in the road N-340. It is the last frontier village of L'Alt Penedès's region with Baix Llobregat for the East.

It concerns to Subirats's municipality.


They have many tourist prominent, excellent routes to practise hiking as: the castle of Subirats, the cave of father Joseph, the Montcau, the Puig d'agulles, the Crestabocs, etc.

*Puig Agulles

With a history very tied to the church and to the culture of the field (Peach and grape).

Subirats is a region that has stood out always for his wine, and especially for the catalain champaigne "cava"(D.O.Penedès.

Also the especial peaches from this place have a great and original flavor.

Every year, from June until end of August, the peasants of the peach of l'Ordal, believe a special market the weekends in the village of Sant Pau d'Ordal, to sell this exquisite product directly to the consumer.

Also different restaurants of the region will realize during the whole summer period special plates in his menus in order that the tourist could taste the gastronomic potential of this genuine, natural and autochthonous product.

Info web site:

These are the restaurants:

Cal Xim (Sant Pau d’Ordal) 93 899 30 92

Cal Saldoni (Sant Pau d’Ordal ) 93 899 31 47

Cal Pere del Maset (Sant Pau d’Ordal ) 93 899 30 28

Restaurant Cantallops ( Cantallops) 93 8970185

Restaurant Sol i Vi 93 899 32 04

Cal Pelegrí 93 817 90 22

Cal Ton 93 890 37 41

El Gat Blau 610243747

La Pèrgola 938174747

Mercat de Vilafranca del Penedès 938905609

Whitman 938915773

Cal Blay Vinticinc 938910032

Hotel Fonda Neus 938910365

La Posada de St. Pere 938921399

Ca l’Agustí 938991203

Cal Recolons 938991020

Lutxana art* 16 juny 2009, Barcelona

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